Sunday, May 19, 2013

Clever Ways People Make Money in Today's Economy



1. Star registry


Who owns the stars? Nobody, right? Therefore, you can put stars under your name and get certification for it! This, of course, comes with a price. International Star Registry (IRS),the original star registry that has been naming stars for people since 1979, allows you to do just that. Celebrities, dignitaries, and individuals all over the world have used its services to buy a star for friends and family.


The IRS offers a gift package wherein a special star is selected in the sky and you get your Star Name and Star Date recorded along with it. The gift package includes a beautiful parchment certificate, a sky chart with your name and the star's coordinates, and an informative booklet on astronomy. All names in the astronomical compendium will be published in Your Place in the Cosmos©, which is registered in the U.S. Copyright Office. However, this is not recognized by the scientific community. Stars' names are only reserved in the International Star Registry.


2. Friend rental service



We all grew up being someone's friend, but we never got paid for it. Well, today is an entirely different era. You can now get paid for being a friend. All you have to do is create your profile in, set your hourly rate, and wait for somebody who is interested in hanging out with you. It's a win-win situation right there.


Rent A Friend allows you to create a free friendship profile, where you can charge up to $50 an hour to be rented for social events and activities such as weddings, sporting events, concerts, movies, operas, hiking, biking and dining.


Site owner Scott Rosenbaum got the idea from dating sites. He noticed that nobody was offering mere friendship and he wanted to "go a step back" from dating sites. Therefore, this is a strictly platonic website.


3. Providing personal paparazzi



Celebrities aren't the only ones that can have paparazzi all around them. Now, you can hire your personal paparazzi for a day! This is how makes bucks—by giving you the ultimate celebrity experience. It can be for birthdays, gag gifts, parties, bachelor & bachelorette parties, or ANY other event that requires The Star Treatment. believes that the everyday person deserves the attention as much, if not more, than the real celebrities.


4. Face advertising



By selling their faces as advertisement space in, Ed Moyes and Ross Harper were able to pay off their student debt, which was £50,000, and finish college. Harper and Moyse paint ads on their faces and then photographed or filmed themselves doing funny things. Advertisers can pay for them to do several stunts, such as skydiving or plunging into cold water. All this is put up on the website, along with the name of the day's advertiser. When the duo started off, their first ad went for exactly £1. The young entrepreneurs say that they made £3,500 in their first ten days of business. However, they've managed to sell their faces every single day.


5. Tutorial marketplace



Student of Fortune is an online tutorial marketplace for those who need or can offer help with homework. If you're an expert on a subject, then go write great tutorials to earn lots of money, even thousands of dollars... all for helping students learn! All you have to do is look through other user's questions and find one that you think you can answer. Then, write up a custom tutorial that teaches the student how to solve the problem and submit it. 20% of the material will be shown, and if they think it's a good tutorial, they'll pay you for it!


6. Butterfly supplier



Selling butterflies and making millions? It doesn't seem conceivable, but Jose Muniz has managed to pull it off. You can get your very own live butterfly from Jose, who started the business based on a bet.


It all began when a friend bet him $100 that he could not sell butterflies for a living. Now, seven years later, the former business consultant and his wife, Karen, own Amazing Butterflies (, a live-butterfly distributor with offices in Tamarac, Fla. and San Jose, with a projected $1 million in revenue in 2006.


7. Virtual real estate



Anshe Chung, or rather her real-life counterpart, Ailin Graef, has gained attention as the first person to reportedly become a real-world millionaire from her virtual-world business.


How'd she do it? She bought, developed and sold virtual real estate. While much of her wealth is still tied up in Second Life's currency, Linden dollars, those can be sold for genuine U.S. dollars. Graef reportedly makes upward of $150,000 annually.


Anshe Chung's achievement is all the more remarkable because the fortune was developed over a period of two and a half years from an initial investment of $9.95 for a Second Life account by Anshe's creator, Ailin Graef. Anshe/Ailin achieved her fortune by beginning with small scale purchases of virtual real estate which she then subdivided and developed with landscaping and themed architectural builds for rental and resale. Her operations have since grown to include the development and sale of properties for large scale real world corporations, and have led to a real life "spin off" corporation called Anshe Chung Studios, which develops immersive 3D environments for applications ranging from education to business conferencing and product prototyping.


8. Selling Irish dirt



Alan Jenkins, a Belfast entrepreneur, and Pat Burke, an agricultural scientist from Tipperary, have already shifted around $1m (£512,000) of Irish muck to the United States.


Their company, called Official Irish Dirt, has also received online contacts from Irish people all over the world who are keen to get their hands on dirt from back home.


It was Jenkins who came up with the idea. During a visit to see friends in Florida he heard some Irish-Americans at a meeting of the Sons of Erin, a community organization for people with Irish ancestry, saying they would like to have some Irish sod placed on their funeral caskets. Soon afterward he met Burke, who worked at the Irish Department of Agriculture, at a dinner party and the business grew from there.


Since Auld Sod's Web site,, went online, Burke says he has shipped roughly $2 million worth to the United States, where about 40 million people claim Irish ancestry, and Enterprise Ireland estimates annual sales of Irish gifts at more than $200 million.


9. Socks subscription



An entrepreneur from Switzerland named Samuel Liechti had a crazy idea to start a company that would distribute socks to subscribers several times throughout the year. For nine pairs, each "sockscriber" pays a minimum of $89 annually to keep the socks rolling in. Surprisingly enough, there is an immense amount of people who are too lazy to grab a pair of calf-high socks at the store and subscribe to this silly service.


Each new "sockscriber" receives a calculation of how much time he will save by not making sock purchases: about 12 hours every year, or three weeks in the lifetime of an average Swiss male, which is estimated at 82 years. Liechti brought his "sock-scription" service to the U.S. in 2005. Two years later BlackSocks began selling subscriptions for underwear. Liechti now boasts 60,000 active customers in 74 countries. BlackSocks opened a New York office last year.


10. Geese police



David Marcks discovered a lucrative business opportunity when he used his dog to solve a problem that he constantly faced while working at a golf course - the proliferation of geese.


David started Geese Police in 1986 as the solution to driving away unwanted geese from town parks, corporate properties, golf courses, or even front lawns. Using trained border collies, they drive away the geese without harming them. Today, Geese Police has considerably grown and expanded, earning just under $2 million in 2000. David has also begun marketing his business to a highly selective group of individuals.



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fwd: Funny images





































Sunday, February 17, 2013

World's Strangest Snacks



1. Hákarl: Icelandic Fermented Shark


Popular in Iceland, the Hákarl is a basking shark which has been cured with a particular fermentation process and hung to dry for four to five months. It is often served in cubes on toothpicks and comes in two varieties; chewy and reddish glerhákarl (lit. "glassy shark") from the belly, and white and soft skyrhákarl (lit. "skyr shark") from the body.


2. Balut: Fertilized Duck Egg



Balut is a fertilized duck egg, with a partially formed fetus inside. It is usually eaten by cracking open the shell and drinking the fluid. Then fetus is seasoned with salt and pepper, and eaten raw. These eggs can be commonly found in the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia.
NOTE: according to some of our readers, the embryo is not eaten raw. The whole egg is cooked either by steaming, boiling or with heated sand.


3. Kanikko: Candied Crabs



Lacquered with a sugary, slightly spicy coating, these Japanese crab snacks taste fishy and sweet.


4. Casu Marzu: Italian Maggot Cheese



During the aging process of "Rotten Cheese," a fly called Piophila casei deposits its eggs on the cheese. When the maggots are born, they move throughout the cheese, excreting enzymes that give it an overwhelmingly pungent smell, a rotten taste, and a soft, creamy texture. The cheese is served at weddings and other family gatherings.


5. Escamoles: Ant Eggs



Escamoles are made from the eggs of black ants, which are collected from colonies, and harvested from the roots of the agave plant in Mexico. They must be collected, just before the larvae turn into ants, and the larvae collectors must wear protective gear to protect themselves from stings. Their taste have been described as that of corn, and they are often eaten in tacos.


6. Squid Balls



A chinese snack, they feel mildly squid-ish, craggy on the outside and steamy-bouncy on the inside.


7. Dried Wild Fish



Targeted to kids, this snack made in China to be distributed in Russia may seem repulsive to some and the list of ingredients on the back of the pouch is refreshingly short: fish, salt.


8. Crickets on a stick



If you live in Beijing or Bangkok, you might fancy a taste of crickets. Or maybe you would prefer baby nestling sparrows, mice, snakes, or maybe a bowl of scrumptious scorpion soup?


9. Black Garlic Chocolate



Japan's Black Garlic Chocolates are made by Takko Shoji, who claims the fermented black garlic coated with bittersweet chocolate can increase energy and promote metabolism when eaten regularly over a couple of months.


10. Pork Skin



Pork rinds --pieces of pig's fried or roasted skin (rind)-- are actually quite common in several countries around the world. Chunks of cured pork skins are deep-fried and puffed into light, irregular curls, and often seasoned with chili pepper or barbecue flavouring.


These microwavable pork rinds are sold in bags that resemble microwave popcorn (although not exhibiting the 'popping' sound) and can be eaten still warm. Pickled pork rinds, on the other hand, are often enjoyed refrigerated and cold. Unlike the crisp and fluffy texture of fried pork rinds, pickled pork rinds are very rich and buttery, much like foie gras.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Best Parents Ever




1. The father who hired in-game assassins to kill his lazy son's video game characters


23-year old Xiao Feng doesn't want to get a job. He'd rather spend his time playing video games. To discourage this activity, Feng's father hired players to hunt down and slay his son's characters.


Unhappy with his son not finding a job, Feng decided to hire players in his son's favorite online games to hunt down Xiao Feng. It is unknown where or how Feng found the in-game assassins—every one of the players he hired were stronger and higher leveled than Xiao Feng. Feng's idea was that his son would get bored with playing games if he was killed every time he logged on, and that he would start putting more effort into getting a job.


Now that's creative parenting!



2. The Chinese millionaire who works as a street cleaner to set a good example for her kids


There probably aren't many millionaires willingly volunteering to work in sanitation for about $228 a month. However, 53-year-old Chinese real estate mogul Yu Youzhen gladly wakes up at 3 a.m. six days a week to sweep almost two miles of roadway for one major reason: to set a good example for her children.
Yu, who amassed her fortune as the result of hard work and real-estate, has been cleaning streets since 1998. Although she owns 17 properties valued at roughly $1.5 million, Yu refuses to give up the contract job with the Wuchang District Chengguan Bureau Cleaning Team she acquired 15 years ago.


After witnessing what great fortune and a bad attitude can do to a person, Yo Youzheng became determined to keep her family on the right track. She's already warned her son and daughter, "If you don't work, I'll donate the apartments to the country." It seems to have worked, since her son now works as a driver in the Donghu Scenic Area, making over 2,000 yuan a month, and her daughter is an office worker, with a 3,000 yuan salary.



3. The father who runs triathlons while carrying his daughter, who suffers from cerebral palsy


For the past four years, Rick van Beek has run his local triathlon with his daughter who has cerebral palsy. She can neither walk nor talk, and her dad says he isn't even sure that she can see. However, he knows that she loves the outdoors, and he loves her, so he swims while pulling her in a kayak, bikes with her in a cart behind him, then finally runs while pushing her in a wheelchair so she can feel the breeze on her face. Is someone cutting onions in here?!



4. The father who wears a skirt in solidarity with his 5-year-old son


When it comes to supporting his son's unconventional wardrobe, Nils Pickert talks the talk and walks the walk. The German dad explains that he wears women's clothing (including nail polish) to help his 5-year-old son feel good about going out in dresses and skirts. A picture of Pickert and his little boy, sporting matching red clothes -- dad in a long skirt, son in a spaghetti-strap dress -- has been making the Internet rounds, inspiring enough positive feedback to cancel out a thousand sideways looks and gender marketing fails.


Pickert says that in the small town where he lives, his son's dress choices are seen as everybody's business -- and when it comes to standing up for his son, he's determined to show, not just tell.



5. The parents who got insulin pump tattoos to support their diabetic child


Some parents get tattoos of their child's name, but Philippe Aumond and Camille Boivin went one better. In a show of solidarity, they each have an image of an insulin pump tattooed on their abdomens, declaring that they are "forever linked" to their son Jacob.


A while back, Jacob, diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 3 ½, was excited by the idea of getting an insulin pump that would replace four to five injections a day, and he figured it would be like having his own little robot working for him.


Jacob is now five and in kindergarten, and he wears it 24-7. "He adapted pretty quickly, but one time he told me that he felt different and he was wondering if he was alone in the world, you know, wearing a pump," Boivin said. So she and Aumond decided to get tattoos of the pump, "because no parents want to have their child feel left out or alone."



6. The parents who invented the 'get along' t-shirt




7. The mother who tries her best for her kids to be clean and organized




8. The parents of this twin set who are really sensitive to others


Redditor gigantomachy uploaded the following photo and captioned it, "Brilliant and thoughtful parents handed these out to everyone on my flight."




9. The mother who gave her son an iPhone with an 18-rule contract


If you're a mom or dad who gave an iPhone to your kid, you should make your kid follow the rules of Janell Hofmann. Hofmann bought an iPhone for her 13-year-old son Greg and gave him 18 rules to follow. If you think Hofmann was being an overbearing mom, think again. There's good advice in her 18 rules!


Sure, she requires the password of the iPhone and demands to receive the phone at night, but she also encourages her kid not to get so caught up with her iPhone and to just live life. Rule #5 wants Greg to, "have a conversation with the people you text in person," because it's a life skill. Rule #13 says not to take a "zillion pictures and videos" because you should live your experiences instead of being so focused on documenting everything.


However, the two best rules are probably the last two. Rule #17: Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling. Also, rule number 18 admits that Greg is probably going to screw up eventually, but they'll figure it out together because they're a team. Yeah, you can say aww.



10. The parent who uses revenge in the sweetest way



11. The celebrity father who uses comedy to educate




12. The parents who teach their kids to be grateful even in the harshest ways



Humorous Cricket anecdotes



Gavaskar had decided to relinquish his opening position and come in at no 4 for that test. But, Malcolm Marshall fired out Anshuman Gaekwad and Dilip Vengsarkar for ducks, setting the stage for Gavaskar to walk in at 0/2. And he thought there would be less pressure! "Man, it doesn't matter where you come in to bat, the score is still zero." -Viv Richards to Sunil Gavaskar at Madras1983.


Greg Thomas was bowling to Viv Richards in a county game. Viv missed a superb outswinger, and Thomas said "It's red, round and weighs about 5 1/2 ounces." Next ball Viv hits Greg Thomas out of the ground for 6 and replies, "Greg, you know what it looks like. Go ahead and find it!"


Then there's this wicketkeeper who quietly asked the new batsman: "So how's your wife, and my kids?" Guess who.........Rod Ian Botham!!


New Zealand vs South Africa:
Daryll Cullinan was batting, attempting a comeback from a complete bamboozling from Warne in earlier games. Cullinan played the first ball from Chris Harris very carefully Back down the pitch, and keeper Parore yelled out "Well bowled Warnie!"


Australia fighting for a win nearing the end of a Test Match, Fred Trueman at the crease. The Aus captain has plenty of close in fielders, whose shadows fall on the wicket. Fredie finds this objectionable. 'Ere, if you lads don't back off, I'll appeal for bad light!"


The best of the best (Incident described in "From the Pavilion End" by Harold "Dickie" Bird)

"Bomber" Wells, a spin bowler and great character, played for Glocuestershire and Nottinghamshire. He used to bat at No.11 since one couldn't bat any lower. Of him, They used to paraphrase Compton's famous words describing and equally inept runner; "When he shouts 'YES' for a run, it is merely the basis for further negotiations!" Incidentally, Compton was no better. John Warr said, of Compton"He was the only person who would call you for a run and wish you luck at the same time." Anyway, when Wells played for Gloucs, he had an equally horrendous runner as the No.10. During a county match, horror of horrors.......both got injured. *Both* opted for runners when it was their turn to bat. Bomber played a ball on the off, called for a run, forgot he had a
runner and ran himself. Ditto at the other end. In the melee, someone decided that a second run was on. Now we had *all four* running. Due to the confusion and constant shouts of "YES" "NO", eventually, *all* of them ran to the same end. Note - at this point in time, the entire ground is rolling on the floor laughing their behinds out. One of the fielders - brave lad - stops laughing for a minute, picks the ball and throws down the wicket at the other end. Umpire Alec Skelding looks very seriously at the four and calmly informs them "One of you buggers is out. I don't know which. *You* decide and inform the bloody scorers!".


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Some Hilarious Tweets on Current Affairs

Any chance of Rahul Gandhi entering the cabinet? Isn't it time Sonia did some beta testing?
Maybe Yeddy could be sent to Kashmir. In a few years, all the land will belong to his family, and all problems will be solved.
Government of Egypt blocks all internet access. The country can now be renamed gypt.
100 phones tapped each day per operator. Finally we have a government that listens to us.
Vote for Baba Ramdev. He'll be the PM who can help you make your ends meet. Your head and toe, that is.
Mayawati, Jayalalitha & Mamata should now form an alliance. They can call it Behenji-Amma-Didi. Or BAD, for short.
Kalmadi's aide is in jail. Raja's aide is dead. Satish Sharma denies ever having an aide. India seems quite serious about eradicating Aids.
Police Manual: if it's one guy, take a bribe. If it's a couple, harass. If it's a bunch of people, lathi charge. If it's a mob, disappear.
According to Census 2011, there are 940 females for every 1000 males in India. Those 60 unfortunate men join the Ram Sene, i guess.
Dear Baba Ramdev, we can't ban 1000 & 500 rupee notes. We are a secular country. So we need to respect all denominations.
On most days, Digvijay Singh makes no sense. On some few days, he is silent.
Two weapons against corruption: Lokpal and Chappal.
A documentary on Air India's planes  Saare Zameen Par.
I really don't understand why people consider alcohol to be a problem. Chemically speaking, it's a solution.
Since 1977, West Bengal has been crawling along at approximately 0.00000000001 kmph. They've just covered 3 CMs in 34 years.
If P&G buys Unilever, the unified entity can be called Procter and Gamble and Lever. Abbreviated to PaGaL.
Gandhi would have been a great bowler. He could spin as well as fast.
Baba Ramdev is going to create an army with a headcount of 11,000. Or a leg-count of 22,000. Depending on which side is up.
Three generations of Bachchans  BigB, WannaB, and now BayB.
25-paise coins to go off circulation from Jun 30. The govt feels they can't handle one Anna, so there's no need for four annas.
Every night families in rural U.P. must be shuddering in anticipation of Rahul Gandhi dropping in for dinner and whacking their charpai.
I think Manmohan should get VVS Laxman into the cabinet. The UPA is in major trouble in its second innings.
Kalmadi: So what are you here for? | Anna: Jan Lokpal bill. And you? | Kalmadi: Er! video bill, sponsorship bill, catering bill, etc.
All MPs to get iPads. Awesome. As some would say, from anPad to iPad in 3 days.
It's been a pretty decent tour for india. We beat three teams  Sussex, Kent & Leicestershire. And lost to only one  England.
The word Engineer is derived from Anjaneya (or Hanuman), who built a bridge and didn't hang around with girls.
Bangalore may have a nice past. And a great future. But there's no current.
Infosys: More profits means great quarter.
UB: More quarters means great profit.
BJP guy gives 500 rupee notes to journalists for +ve Rath Yatra coverage. He must have heard that a good reporter always takes notes.
Anna Hazare breaks vow of silence. So Manmohan Singh wins this one.
A big time Eid Mubarak to all. Except of course, goats. Who tend to look at EID backwards.
Think of the tiger. Think of hockey. All national icons. Now you get it? The real problem with the rupee is that it is the national currency of India.
PM says India and China are good friends. Of course we are. We have so much in common. Like Arunachal Pradesh.





Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coolest Facebook Timeline Profiles





Holiday profile.




E.T. on Facebook.







Italian engineer Paolo Bruno decided to innovate and create his resume as a Facebook timeline profile.







Israel's Anti-Drugs Authority, along with agency McCann Israel, makes creative use of Facebook's Timeline design, which splits your profile content evenly down the middle. A profile for "Adam Barak" compares pictures of the fictional character over the course of a year -- on one side, he is on drugs, on the other, he isn't. The pictures themselves are of a real copywriter at McCann, Daniel Barak.



 Who doesn't love Mario?







 She belongs to the 0.5% who prefer Google +.