Saturday, December 3, 2011

Leisure Reading - Stunning Indian - Vinoth Kumar

A small talk, about the delay in arriving to office in India, between an Indian and an American.

Indian: Hi Sir, Good Morning.

American: Hi, Meeting is scheduled at 10 am. But I wonder, Why Indians show up only at 11 am.

Indian: It is our National Problem Sir; I will give you a detailed explanation.

American: Yeah, Tell me.

Indian: You Americans will have a brand new BMW/ AUDI/ FERRARI….etc; cars (in USA) and reach office at 100 mph in 15 mins (even though office is morethan 30 km far away). Even while raining you will switch on your wiper and go.

But we Indians in India, need to struggle and walk to Bus Stand for nearly 1.5 km from our house, Which is similar to a jungle safari in Amazon Rainforest (during rainy days)

When we arrive at Bus stand, Bus will arrive delayed with morethan 120 people in it, which has the capacity of only 60 passengers.

Eventhough we come by bike/ car, there is no chance of shifting gears beyond 3rd, because of the ditches and dumps in the roads, which look similar to the craters in mars.

You guys drive vehicles only on the roads, but we need to drive through rivers, lakes, ponds and sometimes even through oceans during rainy days.

And moreover, the traffic rules in USA will remain standard for years, but in my country it is like the sales ratio during festivals, which keep on changing twice a month.

Is this Explanation enough?

American: Oh Oh Oh ! Enough ! Funny Indians.

Indian: Not Funny Indians, We are Stunny Indians.

10 Things You Never Knew About: Mickey Mouse




10 Things You Never Knew About: Mickey Mouse



10 Things You Never Knew About: Mickey Mouse"I hope that we never lose sight of one thing--that it was all started by a Mouse." - Walt Disney


Fact One: Mickey was not the first-choice name for Walt Disney's soon-to-be-epic character. In fact, when Disney first sketched him on a train with his wife Lillian, he envisioned him being called 'Mortimer Mouse.' However, his wife didn't like the name and thus, 'Mickey' was born.

Fact Two: Ironically, Walt Disney was actually terrified of mice, but somehow always felt they were sympathetic creatures despite his phobia.

Fact Three: In 1935, the League of Nations presented Walt Disney with a medal on account of the fact that 'Mickey Mouse' was an international symbol of 'goodwill.'

Fact Four: The military mission during which Allied Forces invaded Europe in 1944 was given the code name 'Mickey Mouse.'

Fact Five: In 1950, Walt Disney started the Mickey Mouse Club TV show on which different children would star each week. These kids were called 'mousketeers' (wordplay on 'Musketeers') Several of today's big celebrities were once mouseketeers including Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera!

Fact Six: Mickey was the first cartoon character to actually speak. His first ever words in the 1929 episode, 'The Karnival Kid,' were, "Hot dogs!" Walt Disney himself became the voice of Mickey Mouse and remained so till 1946. Since then, only 2 other men have had this honour, Jim MacDonald and Wayne Allwine.

Fact Seven: The only Mickey Mouse short to ever receive an Academy Award was 'Lend a Paw' in 1941. Strangely enough, Mickey wasn't the protagonist in this film--Pluto was! Walt Disney not only got a special Oscar for creating Mickey Mouse, but he even managed to amass a total of 22 Academy Awards--that's the most in history!

Fact Eight: Mickey Mouse made his debut way back on November 18th, 1928 at the Colony Theatre in New York.

Fact Nine: Mickey's ears have become a symbol for all things Disney. It all began in 1978, which marked Mickey's 50th birthday.

Fact Ten: In 1935, Mickey became the first ever cartoon character to have the honour of leading the famous 'Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.' He was 55 feet tall!







A Church Made with Bones



A Church Made with Bones




There is a creepy crypt under a church in Rome that has two names, Our Lady of the Conception of the Capuchins and Santa Maria Della Concezione. This church's designer was Antonio Casoni. The crypt is decorated with skeletal remains that once belonged to 4,000 friars and were collected between 1528 and 1870. Now these human bones are arranged in ornaments. This Capuchin Crypt is a well-known ossuary that attracts tourists from all over the world. It has several rooms, and you can glance inside them after the jump.