Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thought of Sharing

 A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He found the boy's father pacing anxiously, waiting for him.
Seeing him, the father yelled, "Why did you take so long to get here? Don't you know that my son's life is in danger? Don't you have the sense of responsibility?"

  The doctor said calmly with a gentle smile, "I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital and I came the fastest I could, after receiving the call.
I know it is tough, but take a deep breath and calm down."

 "Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If you felt that you would lose your son, what would you do?"
said the father angrily.

 The doctor smiled again and replied: "I believe that life and death are in the hands of God and we can only do so much.
Go and pray for your son, we will do our best by God's grace."

 "Sympathy is so much easier than empathy. It is easy to dismiss someone else's trials because they aren't your own", muttered the father.

 After a long while, the doctor came out of the operating room. "I've got good news! Your son is saved! If you have any questions please ask the nurse."
And without waiting for the father's reply, he immediately rushed off.

"What a cold and unfeeling man!" exclaimed the man, "He couldn't even wait a few minutes so that I could ask him about my son."

Hearing him, the nurse replied, "The doctor's son has been extremely ill for many weeks, but as soon as he received the call about your son,
he immediately rushed to the hospital. Now that he is confident that your son is safe, the doctor's hurrying back to be with his son."

How many times do we make wrong assumptions, when we only look at things from our own point of view?
Just as we expect empathy from others, it would fare us even better if we can empathise with others as well.
Let's make it a point to give others the benefit of doubt and…


10 Facts About America and Americans


10 Facts About America and Americans


01. The average American consumes 800 grams per year of chewing gum. 50% of the gum is spit out on the sidewalks, park benches and under the seats in public transport.About residents of the United States there are so many stereotypes and misconceptions. And there are simple – the bare facts. A dozen of them today, I have decided to share with you.



02. According to statistics, during the World Cup football in the United States the average American worker spends at work to discuss games 10 minutes a day. Damage caused by neglect of the country more than $ 800 million.



03. The average American,  come to the doctor, express his complaints in 23 seconds. 68% of visits to doctors in America are somehow related to the presence of obesity or smoking.


04. In the U.S., the largest number of restaurants, "McDonald's". On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of "McDonald's" in Chicago opened the largest restaurant of this company, its 2230 square meters.



05. Car not only 0.2 percent of American families. In 82% of households have two vehicles: passenger cars and mini-veins. Both cars are usually bought on credit.



06. In each third of American families have pets. About 40 thousand American families keep at home urchins, although zoologists are not recommended, as in many states to keep a home urchin is prohibited by law.



07. In the U.S. There are more than 1,100 Satanic sects. In 1987 U.S. President Reagan publicly acknowledged "the important role of Satanism in contemporary American life," and have passed laws expanding the rights of Satanists, including the adoption of the civil service.



08. In the U.S. There is no official language. English adopted as an official only at the level of some states.



09. Every day, Americans throw in the trash 20 000 TV, 150 thousand tons of packaging materials and 43 thousand tons of food.



10. Facts about America and Americans10. Only 55% of Americans know that the sun – a star





Some Interesting Facts.



Some Interesting Facts




The Statue of Liberty's index finger is eight feet long

Rain has never been recorded in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile

A 75 year old person will have slept about 23 years.


A Boeing 747's wing span is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.(the Wright brother's invented the airplane)

There are as many chickens on earth as there are humans.


One type of hummingbird weighs less than a penny

The word "set" has the most number of definitions in the English language;192

Slugs have four noses

Sharks can live up to 100 years

Mosquitoes are more attracted to the color blue than any other color.


Kangaroos can't walk backwards

About 75 acres of pizza are eaten in the U.S. Everyday

The largest recorded snowflake was 15in wide and 8in thick. It fell in Montana in 1887

The tip of a bullwhip moves so fast that the sound it makes is actually a tiny sonic boom.


Former president Bill Clinton only sent 2 emails in his entire 8 year presidency

Koalas and humans are the only animals that have finger prints

There are 200,000,000 insects for every one human

It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery had in it to begin with.



Delicacy Served after a Bull Fight




A big Texan stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Mexico.


While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful.


He asked the waiter, "What is that you just served?"


The waiter replied, "Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull's testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!"


The cowboy said, "What the heck, bring me an order."


The waiter replied, "I am so sorry senor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy."


The next morning, the cowboy returned, placed his order, and that evening was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, inspecting his platter, he called to the waiter and said, "These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday."


The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied,
"Si, Senor.  Sometimes the bull wins!"







Sunday, January 1, 2012

15 strongest alcohol Drinks



As you all know KNOWLEDGE is wealth. So today I am going to share the knowledge about Alcohols to you.

Please do the same and spread the information.

Say Cheeeeeeeeeeeeers :)

Get Drunk Faster: 15 of the Strongest Alcoholic Drinks

In every country, as we speak, people are drinking alcohol in order to intoxicate themselves. Certain types of liquor are notorious for the way they affect the drinker. Brandy has a reputation for inducing painful hangovers, while specific liquors, such as Jagermeister, are known as digestives liquor and are meant to be consumed after meals to aid digestion. However, some of the most famous types of liquor are known primarily for their extremely high alcohol content. Some of the world's strongest alcohols are chemically engineered and produced to severely alter your state of consciousness.

Nihonshu a.k.a. Sake

Sake is Japanese liquor produced from rice, water, and mold. This alcoholic beverage was first documented in 712 A.D. as it was found in the Kojiki, or Japan's first written history. Sake is unique because of its multiple parallel fermentation process. This is where starch is converted to sugar, and sugar into alcohol by way of yeast simultaneously; whereas many other alcohols complete one process at a time. While Japanese demand for sake decreases, the worldwide popularity and demand for sake increases. Sake is almost always 30-40 proof, and since alcohol content is exactly half the proof, sake weighs in at 15-20% alcohol per volume.

Southern Comfort

The recipe to this U.S. neutral grain spirit liqueur is one of grandeur. Beginning with quality bourbon, add one inch vanilla bean, a quarter of lemon, half a cinnamon stick, four cloves, a few cherries and an orange slice. Let ingredients sit for several days and finish with a touch of honey. This fruit spiced whiskey flavored alcohol is a favorite among college campuses across the United States. The alcohol per volume in Southern Comfort ranges from 21-50% making it a versatile crowd pleaser.


All of you who have eaten the worm are familiar with Mescal. Produced only from agave plants in Oaxaca, Mexico, this alcohol must meet strict guidelines in order to be mescal. Earth ovens are used in the early processes of cooking down the hearts of the agave plant to produce the liquor. Three classifications of mescal are produced: Anejo, Reposado, and Joven. This liquor is consumed heavily by U.S. tourists while in Mexico, and as for the worm - its name is Hypopta Agavis. Known as the Maguey worm, this species is commonly found on agave plants. The alcohol content of mescal is between 35-40%, rivaling its sister liquor tequila.


The word arrack is derived from the Arabic word arak, which translates to "sweet" or "strong liquor." Those who drink arrack commonly agree that the taste is that of a whiskey-rum blend. Distilled from fermented fruits, grain, sugar cane, and the sap of coconut palms arrack is most popular in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The proof of arrack differs with each recipe; therefore, the alcohol content varies from 33-50%. Arrack is commonly used in cocktails, and can compliment other beverages such as orange juice and cola.


Vodka is without question the most popular spirit in the liquor market today. We're sure you already knew this and have some fuzzy memories of your own experiences with it. This alcohol has low levels of congeners, or impurities, which minimizes the damage of a hangover. For the same reason, vodka is the most versatile liquor when mixing into cocktails. All this can be attributed to vodka being distilled anywhere from 3-7 times before bottling. Created in the grain harvesting areas of Western Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine and Poland, the ingredients of vodka are rye or wheat, potatoes, and sugar beet molasses. The alcohol content of vodka varies between 35-50%.


This spirit is produced from only the blue agave plant grown in the Jalisco regions of Guanajuato, Michoacán, Nayarit, and Tamaulipas. The restrictions upon tequila instructions are linked to the volcanic soil which provides perfect conditions for blue agave growth. Tequila is indeed special liquor, but contrary to popular belief it does not contain any hallucinogenic properties, it's just a real sloppy drunk. Tequila has five categories including Blanco, Joven, Reposado, Anejo, and Extra Anejo. The difference being age and casking techniques, which can be seen in the hue of tequila going from clear, yellow, amber, and dark brown. Tequila proof is measured between 70 and 110 giving this liquor an alcohol content of 35-55%.


Presently, most gin is distilled, produced, and consumed in Europe, the majority of that in the United Kingdom. White grain flavored with juniper berries is distilled at the beginning of the the process. Once done, the grain is distilled again with other botanicals such as anise, angelica root, coriander, saffron and licorice root. The consensus among the majority of folks is that gin smells like pine trees and tastes like rubbing alcohol. This spirit certainly has a reputation, but as a medicinal alcohol not many spirits can match its usefulness. The alcohol content of gin is 40-50% as its potency matches its complexity.


Brandy is enjoyed in its own special glass called a snifter. Regarded as luxury liquor, this eaux-de-vie has an alcohol content between 36-60%. Brandy is best known for being after dinner drink due to its uncompromising smoothness. The word brandy is derived from the Dutch word brandewijn which translates to "burnt wine." There are three classifications of brandy: grape, fruit, or pomace. Many of the famous brandies hail from the Cognac region of France such as Courvoisier, Remy Martin, and Hennessy. As delicious as brandy may be, congeners in this alcohol are considerably higher than other spirits therefore resulting in quite the hangover the morning after.

Wild Turkey

This bourbon whiskey is produced near Lawrenceburg, Kentucky and has an alcohol content ranging from 40-54%. Wild Turkey is nicknamed the "Dirty Bird," as its reputation proceeds itself as strong liquor. The ingredients used to make Wild Turkey come from across the nation, the barley coming from Montana, the corn from Kentucky and Indiana and the rye coming mostly from North Dakota. In 1995, Wild Turkey released its 101 proof label available only in the United States. Standard bourbons are 80 proof, giving a slight edge to the Turkey for being one of the strongest liquors in its class.

American Whiskey

We discussed Wild Turkey, and it's technically an American whiskey, so why didn't we group it together with these whiskies? The reason is due to the standard proof of many bourbons being 80, but can reach as high as 120. All bourbon whiskies are aged in charred oak barrels to achieve the flavor and appearance they possess. There are four distinct types of whiskey: single malt, vatted malt, blended grain, and single grain. Evidence suggests that distillation was brought from the Mediterranean region back to the British Isles in the 6th and 7th centuries. Famous brands of bourbon whiskey include Jack Daniels, Evan Williams and Jim Beam.

Scotch Whisky

Just as with bourbon whiskey, there are four distinct categories for Scotch whisky. You may have noticed the different spelling: Americans and the Irish spell whiskey with an e, and the Scots spell whisky without an e, just to be difficult. Scotch whisky is one of the slowest aging liquors, as well as one of the most expensive when acquiring rare years. There are six Scotch producing regions in Scotland: Islands, Islay, Campbeltown, Lowland, Highland, and Speyside. Scotch whisky has an identical proof to its American counterparts ranging from 80-136, giving Scotch an alcohol content of 40-68%.


Absinthe is among the world's most potent and intoxicating liquors. It's nicknamed "la fee verte" and better known as the Green fairy. Absinthe's alcohol content ranges from 45-68% and is traditionally green, but can be colorless. Absinthe is anise flavored, and the active chemical thujone can be found in the main ingredient, Artemisia Absinthium, a.k.a. Grande wormwood. Absinthe has been illegal in the United States since 1915 because of its alleged psychoactive effects upon consumers. Absinthe is enjoyed by slowly trickling ice cold water onto a sugar cube placed atop a special spoon that allows the water and sugar to dissolve equally into the absinthe.

Bacardi 151

Have you ever been to a party where a watermelon has been cored and soaked in alcohol? If you have, chances are you are familiar with Bacardi 151. The name stems from the proof of the rum, which is 151 providing for an alcohol content of 75.5%. This over-proof rum is used mainly for cocktails, and the infamous "pj" or party juice. Bacardi is the only brand that installs a flame arrester on the bottle due to the high volatility of the alcohol. Popular flaming drinks, such as the B-52, require Bacardi 151 to concoct.

Grain Alcohol

Due to the extreme alcohol content of 95% grain alcohol, it is illegal to purchase in California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Hawaii, Michigan, Nevada, and Virginia. This liquor is a neutral grain spirit which is relatively low in impurities, which you've learned by now, minimizes the effects of what we all know to be a hangover. Grain alcohol has an ugly reputation on college campuses everywhere due to the ease in which alcohol poisoning can occur while consuming it. This spirit has nearly tripled the potency of most alcohols, but finds itself within the same price range. Grain alcohol is without a doubt the strongest spirit available for retail purchase.


At the top of the mountain rests the heavyweight champion of all liquors. Moonshine is produced in unlicensed stills, registers a perfect 100% alcohol content, and can be found in more than 60 countries. Moonshine, hooch, or white lightning can be made from corn meal, sugar, yeast, and water. There are two different types of still that are used to produce moonshine, a still pot and a reflux still. The still pot is more commonly used among shiners for its simplicity and mobility. The reflux still is capable of producing finer quality hooch at faster rates but sacrifices mobility. "Lead burns red and makes you dead" is a famous adage concerning the lead contents of moonshine and how when set ablaze turns red. Moonshine can be flavored with any fruit, and even birch bark to give the hooch a minty flavor.

So, what'll You Have?

Pick your poison carefully because each type of alcohol will produce a different kind of drunk. Vodka and Tequila are known for sloppy, loose drunkenness. Scotch whisky and bourbons are known for chest-warming heavy-headed buzzes. Rum, brandy, and specifically cognacs are associated with extremely painful hangovers. Alcohol reacts differently to all individuals in regard to their body chemistry. Across the world in many countries friends, family, and acquaintances have been getting hammered the whole time you were reading this article. In an attempt to catch up with them, I'd suggest Long Island Iced Tea.

In life is everything a question of priorities .....



In life   is everything a question of priorities ……………??? 







1) "Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live long enough to make them all yourselves!!"

2)"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first."

3)"Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."

4)"There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth."

5)" Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, what the results might be and will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

6)"As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

7)"The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."

8)"Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest."

9)"The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction."

10)"God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple."

11) "A man is great by deeds, not by birth."

12) "Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness."

13) "Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends."

14) "Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person."

15) "Education is the Best Friend. An Educated Person is Respected Everywhere. Education beats the Beauty and the Youth."

தமிழ் மாணவன்!!!

Good to read…… Enjoy reading it !!




Another Love Comic...!!! must read it :)

Elllaarum Mithunku Vaalthukal sollitu irukaanga...

Mithun:thank u..

Abhijith:Congrats da

Mithun:thanks machi

appo Indhu anga varaa

Indhu:hey mithun :)

Mithun:hi indhu

Indhu:Congraaaaaats..promotion vaangita...apram eppo treat

Mithun:ah..well..sure..sure...eppo venumnaalum ok u have my number?

Mithun:hey illa

Indhu:gime ur mobile...en mobileku missed call panni..

Mithun avan mobile'a indhuku kodkuran

Indhu:yess....indha da..will talk to u later..bye da

indhu anga kilambi poga..mithun room mate and friend ekin anga varaan

Ekin:enna da..mobiel'am vaangi pathutu pora..

Mithun:hehe machi machi..ava number koduthutu pora daaa (expressing his happiness)

Ekin:seri seri...idhukum saethu treat thara
At room 10.30 pm

Ekin:ennada mobiel'ae virichi paathutu irukka

Mithun:ava number da...enna msg pannaalmnu think pandren..wait

mithun appo message type pandran

"hey indhu tis is mithun...."

Ekin:dei dei niturhuda...ennada idhu..

Mithun:ennachu machi

Ekin:dei ondra varushama pakkathu pakkathula ukkanthu vela paathruka..propose panna bayanthutu irundhiyae...idhan chance

Mithun:dei poda..avakitta nalla pesi innum neryaa personal'a share pannanum

Ekin:sonna kelu machi..number vangurathukae ondra varusham pochu..inimey ava kitta personala share propose panni ava adha accpet

pandradhukulla enaku kalyanam aagidumda...

mithun:ippo enna panna solra??

Ekin:tuppunu love sollidu

Mithun:machi ippovae solta..venamda

Ekin:aamda appo late'a solli reject panna enna pannuva..ippovae result paathuradhu dhan nalladhu..i love u nu anuppu


Ekin:sonna kelu machi...

mithun:ok da

mithun ippo message type pandran


ekin:ennada kailam nadanguthu...dei dont worry nan irukaen

mithun continue pandran


RaJeev:sir kaaaaaapi

suddena mithun bayathula nadungi mobiel'a keela poduran

Mithun:dei poitu aprama va tension paduthadha

Ekin:dei type pannuda

mithun continues..


Ekin:karumam pidichavanae

Mithun:oooosshh sorry machi tensionla irukaen nee en pakakthula irukiya adhan ..iru da

now typing


ekin:wait wait


Ekin:message send panni mobile;a andha pakkam pootutu..reply'a naalaiku paathukulam..

Mithun: Machi :( :(

Ekin:venna ava NO'nu message pannirundha..nee night ellaam thoongaa vidaama noi nonini torture koduppa..naalaiku pathuko..negative'a irundhalum ..we

will go to bar and saraku adichify,..apram forget everything

Mithun : ok da...

mithun message send panna silla seconds kullara oru receuved message sound Varuthu...aana mithun mobiel'a paakala

mithun:maama reply vandhrukuda.. paakattuma

Ekin:light off pantu thoonguda naalaiku pathukalam

At 12 AM

Mithun:machi machi

Ekin: ennada eluppivittu usura edukura

Mithun:machi reply vandhruchu ava ok sollirupaala


Mithun:thanks da nee thoongu


Mithun:Machi machi

Ekin:dei ennada

Mithun:eva ennadhan reply pannirukaanu paakuraen da

Ekin:venamda raasa apram night fullla aluthukitu iruppa..pesaama padudaa




: yaenda ipdi saavikura

Mitgun:thoongiteeya da

Ekin:adapaavi thoongunavana eluppivittu thoongiteeyany kaeta modhal nee dhanda..dei paduda naan seekirama elundhirukanum :( :(


At 4.AM

Mithun:machi 4 manida ippo..morning dhan...msg padikava

Ekin:machan pls da :( :( :(

Mithun:thookamae varalada

Ekin:varalaanea kanna nalla irukki mooditu padudaa


Mithun:machan machan...dei 6 mani da

Ekin:ada paradesi naayae ipdi pannuvaenu therijudhanda msg'a nalaiku paidkalamnu sonnaen yenda ipdi...paduda...

Mithun:illa naan padicha aaganum

Ekin:shabba eduda andha mobielle'a

Mithun aasa aasaya andha mobile'a eduthu paaka...shock aagi keela viluraan

Ekin:dei ennada ennada

Mithun andha adhirchiyila ekin kitta onnum pesala

Ekin:oru vaela sandhoshathula uranju poitano. apdi ennadhan reply panniruka nan paakuraen

ekin mithun mobile'a irukira reply'a padikuran...avanukum sema shock...adhula irundha message




















