Friday, August 31, 2012

Most Creative Resumes




Looking for a job? Having one of these creative resumes won't necessary get you one, but it'll surely get a lot of attention; meet ten of the best resumes we've seen.


Sabrina Saccocio is a TV, radio print and web producer who has put together this creative resume, looking for a unique and interesting work, a Facebook resume.



Pocket CV by Temitope Shoda. If you have to go to several jobs interviews in one day, this great resume is, besides creative, very easy to carry.



Michael Anderson's portafolio not only shows he can create great graphics, it also proves he is able to turn 'boring' facts and figures into something exciting.




Very creative resume from Kristian Leigh Walsh, inspired in Game of Life.




One of the best resumes we've seen, made on a T-shirt. Very creative resume but you won't be able to sue for sexual harassment if your future boss starts starring at.




Samuel J. Mallett folded resume.




Resume in a box by ~Pixcaliba.




Eugene Isaac was trying to land a writing job at a magazine, so he came up with this creative magazine cover resume.




Tired of writing or typing? How about sewing your own cool resume like graphic designer Melissa Washin.




Art director Katen Adolski used pencil tools to show her career evolution.




Misspelled Tattoos


Nothing says forever like a misspelled tattoo



And he'll juge your spelling



Possibly the most famous misspelled tattoo. Instead of Chi-Town as the man requested, he got "Chi-Tonw". He later sued the tattoo artist.



Does he means the spelling system?



You're ambelievable!


 Tomarrow never knows how to spell tomorrow right


 Can you spot the three misspellings?
ANSWER: freinds, straind, surley



CNN reported that Joseph Beahm paid $100 for this tattoo, which was supposed to read "Why Not, Everyone Else Does". Instead it came out as, "Why Not, Everyone Elese Does." He sued the tattoo parlor to pay for his laser surgery.



Don't know if this is Comedy or... Tradgey



To bad you don't own a dictionary



Your alive? No, sir, that's my alive. Give it back!




Sunday, August 26, 2012

Strange Google Search Suggestions




Sex Starved Army and the Camel (Joke)

A new Army Captain was assigned to an outfit in a remote post in the Afghan Desert .


During his first inspection of the outfit, he noticed a camel hitched up behind the mess tent.


He asked the Sergeant why the camel was kept there.


The nervous sergeant said, 'Sir, as you know, there are 250 men here on the post and no women. Sometimes the men have urges.
That's why we have Molly The Camel.


The Captain said,
'I can't say that I condone this, but I can understand about the 'urges', so the camel can stay.'


About a month later, the Captain starts having his own 'urges'.


Crazed with passion, he asked the Sergeant to bring the camel to his tent.


Putting a ladder behind the camel, the Captain stands on the ladder, pulls his pants down and makes passionate love to the camel.


When he's done, he asked the Sergeant,
'Is that how the men do it?'


'No sir.
They usually just ride the camel into town.
That's where the girls are."


Benefits of Blood Donation





1. It gives you a free mini physical examination.


Before donating blood, your hemoglobin level will be tested. If it is low, then you will not be allowed to donate blood. Besides hemoglobin, your blood pressure level and body weight will also be checked. In addition, your blood will also be examined for detecting the presence of five diseases, namely, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. If you are not suffering from these diseases, only then you will be allowed to donate your blood.


2. Chances of heart disease and stokes are about 30% lesser in men who donate blood regularly.


3. Reduces blood pressure.


4. Iron overloading is also thought to increase the risk of heart diseases. Besides, iron oxidizes cholesterol, which is harmful for the arteries. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease characterized by excess accumulation of iron in the tissues due to improper metabolism. The disease can cause damage to many organs like pancreas, adrenal glands, etc. It may also cause diabetes, liver diseases and heart diseases. So, donating blood on a regular basis would help you to regulate the level of iron in your body. Studies have shown that donating blood regularly can be beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, especially among young people.


5. Production of new red blood cells enhanced. Bone marrow is activated.


6. Burns calories: one unit of blood donation causes burning of about 650 calories.


7. Feeling of Euphoria - well being.


8. Reduces Risk of Cancer.


9. A unit of blood donated by you can benifit three persons. Blood can be seperated into RBC, PLASMA and PLATELETS. All of them are life saving.




Sunday, August 5, 2012

LOL :-)