Tuesday, June 19, 2012




It was a tough path for ISRO to reach wherever it is today… One of the highly regarded space research centers in the World.
Hats off to the determination of 100s of self-less, genius and dedicated scientists and engineers who made this possible…




This was how the Rocket Cone was transported to the Launch Pad at Thumba !!




November 21, 1963: The Nike Apache rocket being readied for launch


Try Identifying the person on the left...most probably you wont be able to identify.... He is our very own... Dr. A.P J. Abdul Kalam....

Early days at the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station. Readying equipment to be carried by a sounding rocket into the atmosphere are Kalam and R. Aravamudan



The present day Launch Station at SriHarikota









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